

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The project partnership set out to develop a culture of learning in the partner organizations to obtain a rise in skills levels, better employability, social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development which in the end will inevitably mean sustainable development of the European society. With…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The mission of "WoMentor" is gender equality through mentoring. European Federation of Mentoring for Girls and Women (short: Womentor) was established 2008 in Austria. It has 14 members from 10 different countries. WoMentor objectives are: reduction of gender gaps in employment and payment; gender segregation; equal…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Women Integration in Business Creation (or WinBus) is supporting potential business women and the organisations working to help them, through a range of face-to-face and online training methods. We will develop a range of resources including guides on services available across Europe and a handbook…

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European Network for Disadvantaged Adults

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Mentoring is a form of effective informal training to improve the employability of people without direct access to traditional training. Mentoring is an instructional strategy, a form of teaching where tutor is teaching alongside the students, encouraging them to learn from mentor's own working examples.…

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17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Mumpreneurs is an international project funded by the European Commission to support female entrepreneurs who are also mothers. The project is delivered through four Ideas Labs organised in partner countries across Europe and more information can be found under each Ideas Lab on this site.…

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Get Mobile

17 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

99% of all enterprises in Europe are SMEs; 90% of these are micro-enterprises (less than 10 employees). SMEs traditionally under-utilise the potentially valuable resource and source of innovation and creativity that European female graduates undertaking mobility could provide. Get Mobile aims to provide training and…

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16 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The WINGS mission lies in making good female entrepreneurship initiatives accessible EU wide, while bridging the gap with local and/or national WE initiatives. The project will stimulate female entrepreneurs, that converge in common goals in connecting, while offering them innovative learning and training tools. The…

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Be a Mentor in the Workplace

15 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

Be a Mentor in the Workplace is a project which promotes the development of mentoring skills. The project tackles this from the perspective of work based lifelong learning, of both mentors and mentees, envisaging a strong impact in the enterprises and SMEs, regarding the productivity…

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Creatuse Logo_Community Sharing


3 August 2017    By Carolyn Usher

The Creatuse Project (Creative Urban Sharing in Europe) Project is an interactive guide promoting alternative ways of consumption and production as well as the reduction of waste. The key themes of the project are: the sharing economy; collaborative consumption; and active citizenship. Creatuse is about…

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23 June 2017    By Carolyn Usher

‘Migrapreneurs’ is an innovative project aiming to support under or unemployed highly skilled migrants in entrepreneurship. Funded by the European Commission and involving partners from UK, France, Spain and Turkey, we are working to develop training and resources to support migrants in Europe fulfill their…

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Inova Education and Training