DIGIT Final Conference
On the 24th October 2019, the DIGIT partnership held the DIGIT final conference in Brussels. This event was a celebration of all the DIGIT results and to promote further discussion around the topic of digital footprint and adult education. Check out an article about…
Happy Global Entrepreneurship Week!
Global Entrepreneurship Week runs this year from 18th to 24th November! The Global Entrepreneurship Week campaign takes place every year with the support of dozens of world leaders spread over 6 continents. Led by the Kauffman Foundation, it works with over 17,000 organisations, linking together…
InterMed’s Third Newsletter
The third InterMed newsletter is now here. Check it out here to find out more about the project!
3D4VET – Multiplier event in Sheffield
The 3D4VET Erasmus+ project is coming to an end this month, and we are proud to look back on the multiplier event we organised a couple of weeks ago to inform and inspire attendees about the world of 3D printing in VET and in business…