Latest News from our Mindful Ageing project!
The Mindful Ageing project will come to an end in August. Find out about the latest news from the project and how you can still benefit, in our latest newsletter. Mindful Ageing_Final Newsletter
Latest News from Inclusive Business LaunchPad!
As the project comes to an end, this month, we invite you to read our final project newsletter with updates on the impact of the programme and news from our final events. Final IBL Newsletter_June 23
Final results of the ServiceDigiCulture project released!
The ServiceDigiCulture project came to an end in June. The project which aimed to provide an online toolkit and training for people working in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU, to rethink, redesign and innovate their services and products ended in June and…
Latest news from the Mindful Ageing project!
Read the latest news from our Mindful Ageing project... Feedback and highlights from our Mindful Ageing Bootcamps in the UK and across Europe Information on our Mindful Ageing Online Learning Platform Click here to read our newsletter.
Saying ‘goodbye’ to the ‘T-Shirt’ project
This month we will finish our collaboration on the 'T-Shirt' project, which has been working to promote gender equality in teaching practices across Europe. Read our latest newsletter here: T-Shirt Newsletter Edition 4 EN
Latest news from the FlyIn Project!
Find the latest FlyIn Project newsletter here to learn more about the project and the progress so far!
Weight Matters: Newsletter 3
The third Weight Matters newsletter is here! Find out all about the brilliant, free Coaching App developed as part of the e-Learning platform and read about the events that took place across Europe as part of the project!
SME Tools to Prevent Burnout: Multiplier Events
Take a look at the final newsletter produced as part of the SME Tools to Prevent Burnout project. Here, we share information on the final Multiplier Events which took place in all partner countries and speak about how great it was to share the…
Gamify Your Teaching, or how to help students and create entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are the backbone of a healthy economy. We aim to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship in students through the use of 'gamified' technologies. 'Gamification' is the practice of using game principles and techniques to enhance education. It has been growing in popularity with…
Help us with testing a new online game for future entrepreneurs!
Over the last couple of years, the team here at Inova have been involved in the development of a new online game to help young people aged 35 and under, develop entrepreneurial skills. Funded by the European Commission Erasmus Plus programme, the Entrinno project has…