Latest News from our Mindful Ageing project!
The Mindful Ageing project will come to an end in August. Find out about the latest news from the project and how you can still benefit, in our latest newsletter. Mindful Ageing_Final Newsletter
Latest News from Inclusive Business LaunchPad!
As the project comes to an end, this month, we invite you to read our final project newsletter with updates on the impact of the programme and news from our final events. Final IBL Newsletter_June 23
Latest News from MentoraSTEAM!
Read our latest newsletter from our MentoraSTEAM project here, before the project comes to an end in August. Edition 4_MentoraSTEAM Newsletter
Final results of the ServiceDigiCulture project released!
The ServiceDigiCulture project came to an end in June. The project which aimed to provide an online toolkit and training for people working in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU, to rethink, redesign and innovate their services and products ended in June and…
Gender Equality in Education – An update from our ‘T-Shirt’ project!
The "T-Shirt" project has been running over the last 2 years and working towards the development of training materials for teachers, to raise awareness of gender equality issues and empower those in the teaching community to address these issues when working with young people.…
World Art Day 2022!
What is World Art Day? World Art Day is a global celebration that promotes and celebrates the development, diffusion, and enjoyment of art. It was established during the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019. It is celebrated each year on the birthday…
Latest News from Inclusive Business Launchpad!
Read our latest newsletter here. January 2022 newsletter IBL