Sheffield Yoga Centre – Coaching Client

I would highly recommend Marina Larios as a business coach and mentor for a small enterprise, such as ourselves, Sheffield Yoga Centre. Her approach and support has been invaluable in taking forward some of my ideas and developing a short and medium term strategy from them.
I approached Marina in Spring 2014 as we were coming to our 10th year of operations. As the Founder and Director of the business I felt we were at a crossroads and wanted support to think through the goals and targets for the next 5 years. Being Director of a small business it can be hard to find the time to step back and review, reflect and then look forward.
Marina and I had 4 sessions. At first she wanted to get a picture of the broad span of our activities, its successes and limitations. I was impressed at how she focused in on my own strengths and limitations as a starting point to look back and then forward. I was given tasks to do between sessions, such as mind mapping and a SWOT analysis. This forced me to take time out of a very busy schedule to reflect and to brainstorm re the future. I felt that Marina skilfully identified the ways that my own personal situation too, as a carer for my disabled husband, was impacting on the business and its future.
Together we set targets and a clear plan of implementation. Since these mentoring sessions our business has grown and had the highest number of customers in its history. At all times I felt Marina could see the potential that perhaps I was missing. This is invaluable in a coach and I do not hesitate to recommend her skills and approach.