Breaking Weight Bias
The Breaking Weight Bias – Promoting Health Without Harming through Digital Training Tools project is an Erasmus+ funded project which focuses on the development o an innovative training framework and relevant tools around weight bias in healthcare settings, as well as to reiterate that…
Mindful Ageing
The Mindful Ageing Erasmus+ Project seeks to develop resources and training programmes to aid older EU citizens (50+) to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The project focuses on an array of aspects including promoting positive mindsets, improving mental health, building resilience and reducing the potential of wellbeing issues…
SMS Project Participant
The SMS project aims to support migrant women on their path to social inclusion. The project partners developed an innovative learning methodology where learners engaged in Social Media training modules, followed by Mentoring Circles™️ sessions. The SMS Project is co-funded by the European Union and…
Happiness@work aims to increase satisfaction and happiness in the workplace. It has been found that happy people are more successful, develop a strong sense of purpose and form authentic, cooperative connections with others. This project incorporates Martin Seligman's groundbreaking research into Positive Psychology and wellbeing.…
Social Integration of Migrants and activation of Paths for Learning and Employability (SIMPLE)
The SIMPLE project focuses on the psychological well being and the social integration of migrants who have been traumatised in their migration journey, with specific attention on women. The project aims to tackle the psycho-emotional issues that occur as a result of migration, as previous…
FemSTEM Coaching – Recruitment, Retention and Progression Coaching for Women in STEM
There is a significant lack of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and the FemSTEM Coaching project aims to bridge the soft skills gender gap in STEM, by providing women with tools and techniques to develop their confidence and soft skills through a…
EDGE (Enhancing Disabled People’s Greatness and Employability) is a new Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union. This 3-year project started in September 2018 and it supports young people who have intellectual and relational disabilities (ID). Unemployment rates within this group are more than twice…
“Inclusive & Practical Assessment Tools For Guidance Practitioners (Inclusive+)” is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The project is based on the fact that Europe needs educated and qualified workforce to face the economic and competitive challenges of the future, at the same…
Global FemART
Global FemART aims to develop specific support for the entrepreneurial development of female artists and creatives. With Artist Circles™ and an online learning platform, Global FemART will enable female artists and creatives to develop their knowledge of running a creative business, as well as…
Reboot - Rebooting, Re-Rooting and Re-Skilling Unemployed and Underemployed Higher Education Graduates for Work 4.0 The Reboot project aims to increase the employability of both unemployed and underemployed HE graduates. This will be achieved through an online training programme that will help HE graduates to…